The CIAP Board, on its 1st Regular Meeting held on 16 February 2024, approved the template short form of construction contract and encouraged its use and adoption for private construction projects.

READ: CIAP Board Resolution 2 s. of 2024

The formulation of the template short form of construction contract was spearheaded by the Philippine Domestic Construction Board (PDCB), an implementing arm of the CIAP, as part of its mandate to recommend and encourage the adoption of equitable and realistic contract conditions for construction.

The template Short Form of Construction Contract agreement is developed specifically for MSMEs and projects owners. The template contract was developed through the help of the Technical Working Group (TWG) tapped by the PDCB, composed of representatives from project managers, arbitrators, educators, contractors, and construction professionals.

What are its features?

This template contract incorporates by reference and adopts the provisions of CIAP Document 102 (Uniform General Conditions of Contract for Private Construction). It is patterned with and outlines the clauses and provisions ordinarily present in a construction agreement. This may be used to facilitate negotiations on the terms and conditions between contracting parties.

You may download a free copy of the template Short Form of Contract through this link:ย [Annex A] Sample Short Form of Construction Contract (1)

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