Construction Industry Authority of the PhilippinesProgram and Services

Constructors Performance Evaluation System (CPES)

CPES is a uniform rating system for evaluating the performance of constructors based on a set of criteria. The evaluation is done at certain stages during the actual construction of the project and upon its completion.

CIAP Document 102

CIAP Document 102 is titled the "Uniform General Conditions of Contract for Private Construction." It incorporates prevailing industry best practices so that it may contribute to the enhancement of fair contractual relationships in the construction industry.

8 Policy Reform Advocacy Action Plans of the Philippine Construction Industry Roadmap 2020-2030

The CIAP through the PDCB is tasked to ensure the implementation of eight (8) action items under the Policy Reform Advocacy of the PCIR 2020-2030, to wit: - #16 Rationalize policies on quarry materials on sourcing, extraction and transport (including taxation) - #17 Support improvement of Right-of-Way Acquisition Policies - #18 Advocate for the enactment of a new Public-Private Partnership (PPP) law, and support policy development for standardized PPPs at the local level - #19 Support improvement of procurement policies (eg. Policy on electronic bidding beginning with procurement of simple government construction projects, up to more sophisticated design-build-maintain contracts) - #20 Pursue trade liberalization policies with reciprocity which includes support to the amendment of the Public Service Act (PSA) - #21 Biodiversity sensitive strategic environment assessment - #22 Advocate for a law on Security of Payments - #23 Enhance Standards and Compliance on Sustainability and Resiliency especially on public infrastructure projects through strict implementation of existing laws, the passage of the Philippine Building Act, promotion of enterprise-driven efforts, provision of Sustainability Incentive Programs, and inclusion of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) for Design-Build projects

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