You are here: POCB conducts Information Sessions on RCEP, AAR, ACPE at the sidelines of PhilConstruct | Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines

Manila, Philippines – POCB, in partnership with the Philippine Constructors Association Inc. conducted the final leg of info session entitled, “Philippine Construction Industry Moving Through the Crisis” held last 04 November 2022, SMX Convention Center Manila at the sidelines of PhilConstruct Manila.
The topics covered during the info session were Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), ASEAN Architect Registry (AAR), and ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) presented by DTI Assistant Secretary Allan B. Gepty, PRB of Architecture, Hon. Robert Sac, PRB of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Engr. Leandro Conti, Aidea President & CEO, Arch. Jojo Tolentino, and DTI-EMB Chief, Ms. Tess Loring.
The session is anchored on the Globalization Pillar of the Philippine Construction Industry Roadmap 2020-2030 of increasing the number of globally competitive Philippine players aligned with the Roadmapโs Action Plan on Professional, Skills and Productivity Upgrading of increasing the competitiveness of Human Resource in the construction and related engineering services sector for a high-value employment in the global market.