PCA Metropolitan Chapter renews partnership with CMDF for the conduct of the 40-hour Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) training course as well as the Authorized Managing Officer Orientation (AMO) Seminar.

CMDF is a DOLE accredited 40-hour COSH provider since 2017, when DOLE required the accreditation of Safety Training Organizations to the Occupational Safety and Health Center. In line with our mission, CMDF continues to offer quality COSH training. Amidst the pandemic, we will continue to offer this training through virtual mode of delivery subject to changes in OSHC directives.

PCA Metro is set to offer these programs with CMDF starting May 2022.

Check out CMDF Facebook Page for latest updates on CMDF.

In photos: PCA Metro President Kristian G. Javier, Education and Training Director Mr. Christopher Cruz. CMDF Executive Director Rene E. Fajardo, Division Chief Ofelia R. Usigan as they sign the COSH and AMO Agreements.

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