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The Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP), through its implementing board, the Philippine Domestic Construction Board (PDCB), is reviewing CIAP Document 102, the “Uniform General Conditions of Contract for Private Construction”, to keep this attuned with trends and practices in construction.

The CIAP reconvened the Committee on CIAP Document 102 composed of representatives from the Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. (PCA); United Architects of the Philippines (UAP); Philippine Institute of Constrution Arbitrators and Mediators, Inc. (PICAM); Confederation of Filipino Consulting Organizations, Inc. (COFILCO); Council of Engineering Consultant of the Philippines (CECOPHIL)A; Subdivision and Housing Developers Association, Inc. (SHDA); Construction Project Management Association of the Philippines (CPMAP); Philippine Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (PCCI); Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Association (CREBA); Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (PICE); and the Society of Philipine Accredited Consultants (SPAC). The Committee believes that the document is still relevant but this is an opportune time to review for updates and improvements considering the last revision was in 2004. The objective is for CIAP Document 102 to be the norm in contracts for private construction. Hence, the Committee will lobby for the use of CIAP Document 102 as Philippine Bidding Document and to make it part of the Philippine National Standards (PNS) by the DTI-Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS). The Committee will also deliberate on the proposed annotations in CIAP Document 102 to make it more comprehensible and effective.

The PDCB has been actively promoting CIAP Doocument 102 in information sessions in the regions and CIAP Windows. Infromation materials are likewise available at the CIAP offices and at the DTI and CIAP websites. Through these efforts, the PDCB hopes to inform the public and all sectors concerned of the existence of CIAP Document 102 as reference and guide in the interpretation of contract provisions and fill the omission of stipulations which are ordinarily established.

The PDCB is likewise set to organize briefing sessions on CIAP Document 102 to educate project owners, constructors, and consultants about CIAP Document 102 and gather inputs to make this relevant considering prevailing practices and user friendly as CIAP Document 102 will particularly be helpful for smaller industry players and those which are just starting out in the industry who do not have legal professionals to take care of contracts.

For more information, you may reach the PDCB Secretariat at telephone nos. 896-1801 and 897-0791, or visit our website at You may also email your concerns regarding CIAP Document 102 to